Education, Stanley Community School


Education is highly subsidised in the Falklands, it is free and compulsory to age 16 and closely follows the British Education model with amendments to incorporate Falklands culture, history and geography.  There is a well-equipped Primary (for 6 years) School and a new Secondary School which opened in Stanley in 1982. The Secondary school is the academic hub for the islands. With dedicated teaches it has facilities to teach science, business, design and other skills for modern life, and has a library and heated swimming pool which it shares with Stanley residents. Students can go on to tertiary education in the United Kingdom where they go can on to obtain degrees and national vocational qualifications.

Camp Education

There are five small settlement schools in the islands.  Travelling teachers move from farm to farm, living with their pupils’ families for two weeks at a time while they teach at the schools or farms. As the teacher moves on to the next on his ‘beat’ the children connect to their teacher by the telephone/internet and dial into conference calls to access lessons.
At age 11 camp children attend the Community School in Stanley, boarding in term time at Stanley House.
RAF Mount Pleasant also has a primary school to serve the children of the armed forces billeted there.








Photographic credits: Trudi Clarke
Sources include: Wikipedia, Falkland Islands Government website:








